Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Getting to Know Tedi Villasor


Getting to Know Tedi Villasor

Tedi Villasor started writing in his late 20s when he was invited to write a column for a monthly publication called Baby Magazine. It was called Rules of Engagement. It focused on the possible concerns of children who were ten years old and older because the assumption was that the people who would buy the magazine would have more than one kid.

“It was the desire to make an impact on the reader that made me start writing, and in some shape or form be of help – of service to them. Writing seriously also allows me the opportunity to educate. As well as to introduce readers to my areas of interest. “

What made you write Lindol?

I was in a building on the fifteenth floor when there was an earthquake. I was I was in a sando and shorts, I was wearing slippers. I was hunched over, making something else, and then the thought hit me. I was like, if something happened to me now and I survived, would I be ready? Would I know what I have to do? So that’s where the concept of Lindol came in.

Do you identify with your main character, or did you create a character that is your opposite?

I feel that all writers put a little bit of themselves into the characters that they create. They are like the writer’s children. It’s either that or an amalgamation of people that the writer knows.

Describe Lindol in 10 words or less for people who are just learning about it.

The human element of The Walking Dead meets San Andreas. Setting: Philippines

is there anything you would like people to take away from your book? 

There are three things:

  1. Earthquake awareness and preparedness. 
  2. Vocabulary expansion.
  3. Impact – Did it resonate? Did it touch a nerve? Did it remind you of something? Hey, this reminds me of a book that I once read. Lindol, that’s it.

Do you have any odd (writing) habits?

I always have a specific pen (Pilot V-ball .7, black roller ball pen), a specific journal (physical moleskin journals), and my mobile device, which I use three specific applications (Apple Notes, Bear, and Notion). 

What has been the toughest criticism you have received as an author? What has been the best compliment?

Lindol #1
Lindol #1

Before the release of Lindol 2 and 3, a friend wrote a very critical online review of the first issue. Essentially, he said, It is the art that carried the book. Then he dared to ask for free copies of the second and third issues after saying that about the first issue. Oh, and the first issue was a complimentary issue as well. 

As for the best compliment, I received an email from a reader who thanked my co-creator, Randy Valiente, and me for making the series. He said that it was able to help him get through a very difficult time in his life. His letter, as well as that of other readers, appears on the back matter of the fifth issue of Lindol.

Advice for aspiring authors. What advice would you give your younger self?

  1. ABW – Always Be Writing. That’s what it means. Have a notebook or digital writing app on hand for those moments of inspiration. Do not delay because the thought can pass very quickly. If not written down, you may lose its tone or, worse yet, the entire thought. 
  2. Manufacture artificial deadlines.
  3. Make your writing time sacred.

What advice would I give to my younger self? 

Don’t romanticize the idea of publishing a book. A book is a byproduct of doing all of the small things. So if you keep your writing time, if you manufacture artificial deadlines, and you’re always writing – eventually, if you do all those things consistently, you’ll have the book. So dig deep, put in the time, work, and research, and I’ll see you on the other side. That’s what I would say to my younger self.

What is your favorite line from your book? 

Lindol #2
Lindol #2

Two words. Renato Venancio. My favorite line/moment from the book is where the two main characters look at each other and simultaneously say the name. 

In the second issue of Lindol – this is what you call the sacrifice issue. A reader asked me, “Is Renato Venancio a real person?”  And that was probably the best compliment I could get. Because that the idea that they would even think that it’s a real person means that I was able to convey the idea or the thought I wanted to express.

Where can readers keep in touch with you?

Where can they buy your books?

  • Comic Odyssey in Robinson’s Galleria – Issue #1
  • Secret HQ at the Atrium, Makati. – Issues 1 to 5
  • Secret HQ Shopee – Issues 1 to 5
  • Facebook page of the Libreriangelo Book Shop – Issues 1 to 5

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