Wednesday, October 23, 2024

MomiBerlin and Raising Moms


MomiBerlin and Raising Moms

Many of her friends call her Mommy Berlin. Perhaps because Berlin Domingo-Maynigo is very motherly, often bringing food to share with the various groups she is part of and giving motherly reminders. This is not a surprise since she’s a mom to 5 boys.

Previously, she worked in the corporate world of advertising and communication. Later, she opted to become a stay-at-home mom full-time. 

The Writer’s Path

Back in high school, when everyone would swap books and gush over the characters, she said she found herself more fascinated by the ‘About the Author’ section. That was when she realized that rather than wanting to be the protagonist of the story, she wanted to write the story.

She wrote a lot of poems and short essays but never thought to submit them.

When she worked for a recording company, she would sometimes be tasked to visit TV studios where they would be shooting morning talk shows like Miss D. She often imagined herself being interviewed by the host, Dina Bonnevie, about her imagined book. 

Do you feel different now that you are a published author?

“Very much. It increased my confidence. I am now more aware of my target audience instead of assuming it was everyone out there.”

She says she’s also more aware of deadlines as an author.

Raising Moms

Berlin described herself as a very dedicated worker. She talked about how, when faced with having to choose between a corporate event and her child’s school event, she opted for the former but would cry at night because of that decision.

After a miscarriage, she decided to leave the corporate world. She had a second chance to experience motherhood with the birth of her two younger children. Realizing how sweet it was, she wondered why she had not done this for her three elder children, who had, at this point, already become independent young men. 

“Thankful ako to be a mother for the second time. Masarap pala maging mom (I’m thankful to be a mother for the second time. I discovered it’s wonderful to be a mom),” she said. “This gratefulness for being given a second chance is what pushed me to write Raising Moms.”

“I made sure that my voice was heard. It’s based on emotion, narrative, and personal experience,” she continued.

Was it easy to write the book?

“It was hard at first because it was coming from experience. There were so many things I wanted to share, but I had to protect the image of my husband and kids,” she stated. “I felt the story would not be complete if I removed some things, so it was a bit hard.”

What did you edit out of the book?

Berlin highlighted Chapter 3, which is about self-control. The content was so graphic that her editor suggested she reconsider whether to include some segments of it in her book, keeping in mind that her family (her mother, and her children) may read the book.

Do you read the feedback of your readers?

“YES, very much,” Berlin said enthusiastically. “I wanted to know if the book is relatable and if somehow it made an impact on them. One reader said, ‘nakatulala lang ako sa isa corner. Napatingin ako tapas akita ko yung book mo. Kinuha ko and di ko na naibaba. (I was just staring blankly at a corner when I saw your book. I started reading and couldn’t put it down.) It helped me realize many things’,” she shared. “It made me cry.”

She said it touched her heart because she told her story, and so many people responded, showing they could relate. 

Unpublished work

Currently, she is writing her book, Raising Husbands. “It’s more like Men are from Mars kind of book. It’s also a narrative about how I deal with my many successes, frustrations, tears, and laughter with my husband.”

She continues, “I still have my poems, but I am unlikely to publish those.”

Advice to Aspiring Authors

Believe in the power of your editor. Trust them to help you make your book better. Collaborate and let them help you.

Message to her readers

Passion is not enough; you need Grit. Learn to Collaborate.

Social Media

  • Facebook: momiberlin 
  • Instagram: momiberlin 
  • Twitter momiberlin
  • Website:

Berlin will be signing copies of her book at the Manila International Book Fair (MIBF) on September 16, 2023, at 6 PM at booth 414. The MIBF will be held at the SMX Convention Center, Mall of Asia Complex, Pasay City.

Her books are available through Lazada and at the MIBF event.

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