Friday, October 18, 2024

Up Close and Personal

Get to Know Gelend Talahuron

Gelend Talahuron started writing in high school as a hobby. He started writing things down to remember his thoughts, including some of his stories. A friend he made in college inspired him to keep...

Getting to Know Tedi Villasor

Tedi Villasor started writing in his late 20s when he was invited to write a column for a monthly publication called Baby Magazine. It was called Rules of Engagement. It focused on the possible...

Up Close and Personal with Joby Provido

Joby Provido has always been interested in spiritual matters. Growing up he realized he enjoyed reading catechisms and all about spiritual things. He also realized he knew more than the average person about the...

Get to Know M. A. del Rosario

Mark del Rosario, also known as M. A. del Rosario, started making comic books with a few friends in the 90s. A fine arts graduate from FEU, he did design work in a large...

Wowie Catabijan and Kahel Press

Ruth Valorie ‘Wowie’ Catabijan is a publishing professional. Born into the business, she claims her title of COO (Child of the Owner) with equanimity. She started out by helping with the textbook side of her...

Up Close and Personal with Carlo Vergara

I was privileged to be able to chat with author-illustrator Carlo Vergara,  a finalist for the 41st National Book Awards. Introduction Carlo Visconde Vergara is a Gen-Xer born in 1971 who sees himself as an accomplished...

Meet Joshua Jorge

Aaron Joshua Jorge Wagan, aka Joshua Jorge, is a medical student by day and a writer when he can fit in the time. He enjoys making (in his own words) crappy TikTok videos. He shared...

Meet Tasia

Sheryl Anne Sanchez Lugtu is a cat lover and is currently taking her master’s in literature. Tasia, as she prefers to be called, appreciated the efforts of a local TV station to bring out...

Up Close and Personal with Ashleigh Dana Burnell

After going through a very challenging time in her life, Ashleigh, aka ADB_stories, escaped into the world of books. She read about 400 books in a year. During this time, the thought occurred to...

Meet Pete Mariano

Peter Allan Mariano, also known as Direk Pete (Director Pete), has been a writer since elementary days. He drew and wrote his own stories, creating his own comics. Being both technical and creative, he...